
Bike Elf engages a number of organizations each year in affiliations, alliances, partnerships and sponsorship opportunities. These organizations, and the caring individuals who run them, share similar values and work to help Bike Elf find innovative ways to help children earn a bicycle and deliver the bicycles children earn.


Bike Elf Supporters donate generously to our efforts in cash, or in kind. They sponsor events and help raise funds for us, bike shops donate bicycles and parts, and they provide volunteer resources via their membership. If your organization is interested in working with Bike Elf, please contact us to discuss ways that we might work together.


Bike Elf Partnerships are collaborations intended to help East Tennessee organizations achieve greater impact with their children’s programs by offering bicycles as incentives. Partnerships begin with Bike Elf and the potential partner organization meeting to understand each other’s mission, organizational structure, etc. Ideally, the partner goal(s) are measurable and improved goal attainment can be demonstrated by offering bicycles as a reward. For more details about Bike Elf partnerships, please see the PARTNERS page on this web site and download the Bike Elf Partner Packet.

Bike Elf proudly and gratefully acknowledges all those that contribute to the Bike Elf mission to: provide bicycles to children and young adults in East Tennessee who earn them through participation in programs with partner organizations and schools.